Short Stories

Blood-Stained Letters Found in a Roadside Shrine on the Outskirts of Kyoto by Stewart C Baker

Blood-Stained Letters Found in a Roadside Shrine on the Outskirts of Kyoto by Stewart C Baker

Dear Madam, I must apologize for the lengthy break in our correspondence prior to this letter.  With the death of Councilman Yamazaki under such bloody circumstances, I felt it best to avoid attracting notice for a while. However, I have not been idle after Yamazaki’s passing.  Indeed, I have learned of an even graver danger Continue reading Blood-Stained Letters Found in a Roadside Shrine on the Outskirts of Kyoto by Stewart C Baker

R*E*X by Mike Adamson

R*E*X by Mike Adamson

After two months one would think anyone could tire of a sight, no matter how amazing, but this never grows old and my heart is missing it—missing her—already. Maxine is with us as always, and to see her bounding effortlessly across the red soil in Mars’ low gravity has been both the amazement and delight Continue reading R*E*X by Mike Adamson