
From the Editor’s Desk: The 2017 Staff Issue

From the Editor’s Desk: The 2017 Staff Issue

Prior to forming Syntax & Salt: Stories, I had the privilege of working with each person on staff as a writer, on Scribophile, a writing critique platform. Through various groups, contests, and story critiquing, we formed a group focused on developing our skills as writers of magical realism and other speculative or experimental forms. To make Continue reading From the Editor’s Desk: The 2017 Staff Issue

Vestiges by L.S. Johnson

Vestiges by L.S. Johnson

Celia and the others drift across the playground to the school’s steps, gathering like birds. All of them waiting, eyes closed and lips parted in anticipation, their shade-bodies sliding through each other’s, tangling like mist as they arrange themselves. A ringing begins and the building comes alive: heartbeat of footsteps, breath of swinging doors. They Continue reading Vestiges by L.S. Johnson